Welcome to Volume 3 of Normal Songs. This month, we're excited to welcome Nooky, our good mate, rapper, host of Blak Out on JJJ and co-founder of We Are Warriors (WAW).
We sat down with Nooky to chat all things 'We Are Warriors' and how music has inspired Nooky on his path to freedom.
Nooky has put together this playlist of youngens who in his eyes, are coming through with emerging talent.
Crack a tin and get jamming. Listen below, and follow Heaps Normal on Spotify while you’re at it.
HN: We love WAW but for someone who's never heard of it, what's the core mission?
N: To make a fucking difference (I say in an inspirational tone).
HN: Tell us what moved or motivated you to create WAW.
N: As a kid, I knew I had something inside me, I always strived for something, I always wanted to leave my mark. I always said, “Music is my spear, music is my freedom”. It’s my initiation. It’s a culmination of my everything. My mark left on the world. But the physical inception point of WAW was around the global BLM movement in 2019.
It all sparked from a simple conversation between two people who were genuine, open, and honest. One of us was witnessing injustice, the other had lived with it his whole life. Those two people were me and my old mate Ben Miles. Ben said, "This is not right, what can we do?” I said the only way we can do something is if we are in it for the long run. We’ve been running ever since.
HN: What was the moment when you realised that WAW was a movement well on its way to greatness?
N: When Heaps Normal jumped on board! Nah, in all honesty, it was from the second we had that simple conversation. Being Black, experiencing everything I have experienced, both good and bad… I knew we were onto something. I’d never seen anything like it before. It just made all the sense in the world. WAW has been something I’ve always wanted to do since being a kid, it has had many shapes and forms over the years; it’s been a youth-centre-on-steroids, and it’s been a spot where greatness is celebrated. Shit, I even wanted to claim part of England at one point, in a similar fashion to Burnum Burnum in 1988.
Fundamentally, WAW was something buried deep down in my heart, once awakened, I knew it was something that needed to happen. I was not going to take no for an answer. That’s why I believe in it so much. There’s so much heart in it, it cannot fail. It will progress regardless of money, notoriety, accolades, or pats on the back. All those things are nice, but it’s like this: “If ya with us ya with us – but it’s happening regardless”. That being said, we are so grateful for everyone who has joined us so far. It’s a show of the times, this is a new era and all that black-to-the-back bullshit is done.
I knew WAW was destined for greatness because I based a lot on traditional stories and song lines. They’ve been around for hundreds of thousands of years and that’s the best example of success. We are following them down to a tee. Everything connects; everything has a purpose; everyone has a place; failure is not an option.
In the early days, we had what some would call a major setback, we could see 8 out of 10 people folding at this point. It didn’t faze me one bit. I simply told Ben that this is like hunting - we are not going back to our family empty-handed. There’s a reason why we are the oldest living culture/race on earth.
HN: What's the best way people can support and join the WAW?
N: Throw ya hat in the ring! If you’re short on hats then money is also fine. Seriously though, just jump on this ride with us and come for a burn. The best way people can support us is by signing up on the website, purchasing the merchandise, spreading the word for us, following us on socials and by offering your support and time in any way you can.
Do you get behind the lens? Then take some photos for us. Do you work for Nike? Then plug us in! We need a pair of WAW 95’s! A1s... Even Prestos! The same call out goes for Under Armour, Puma, Adidas whoever is the quickest really, know a non-alcoholic beer company? A WAW batch could be sick.

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