Aussies have had a rough year. Interest rate and cost of living increases, being forced back into the office to work longer hours for lower real wages, all while big corporate profits continue to rise beyond comprehension. It’s left a lot of us scratching our heads, and desperate for some relief. Enter Heaps Normal and Kirsty Webeck (local Member for Hazy), who are this summer encouraging businesses and individuals to have a Half Day in recognition of the slog of 2023.

We've put together some resources to help individuals and businesses organise their Half Days. Need a template for an email to send to your boss? Or a few Half Day Hazy's to gift your team as they knock off for a lightly longer weekend? We got you!

  • How to take a half day.

  • Give your team a half day.

  • Show your support.




There are many ways to negotiate a Half Day off work, friends. Take a look...

  1. Picnic in the Park
    Trade your office chair for a blanket and enjoy a picnic in the park. Bonus points if you can convince a doggo to join.
  2. DIY Spa Day
    Because nothing says relaxation like cucumber slices on your face and a Half Day Hazy that won't judge your choice of playlist.
  3. Outdoor Movie Marathon
    Turn your backyard into a cinema. Remember, the more dramatic your popcorn toss, the better the movie experience.
  4. Art and Craft Extravaganza
    Picasso called; he wants his easel back. Unleash your inner artist, and if your masterpiece looks more like abstract chaos, Heaps Normal is here for it.
  5. Local Adventure Exploration
    Discover hidden treasures in your town, like the world's smallest park or the mysterious case of the missing sock from the laundromat.
  6. Bookworm Retreat
    Turn your living room into a library – you know, minus the stern librarian and with more Half Day Hazy. Dive into a book and pretend you're solving mysteries with Sherlock.
  7. Home Baking Bonanza
    Bake cookies, brownies, or a cake that could win a baking competition (in your dreams). Don't forget Heaps Normal, the secret ingredient to culinary success.
  8. Yoga and Meditation Retreat
    Achieve the perfect yoga pose – you know, the one where you accidentally fall over and blame it on a gust of wind. Namaste, and cheers to Half Day Hazy hydration!
  9. Cultural Immersion Day
    Impress your friends with newfound cultural knowledge, like mastering the art of spontaneous interpretative dance or creating modern art from everyday objects.
  10. Green Thumb Time
    Unleash your inner horticulturist without becoming a plant whisperer. Remember, plants respond better to Heaps Normal encouragement.
  11. Fitness Fiesta
    Channel your inner Olympian with sports, dance, or an intense game of hopscotch. Just make sure the only thing getting smashed is your high score, not your Half Day Hazy.
  12. Photography Expedition
    Capture the perfect shot of a pigeon mid-flight or a squirrel attempting a daring acrobatic stunt. Share your "wildlife photography" masterpiece while sipping on a cold Heaps Normal.
  13. Family Game Day
    Monopoly has ruined friendships, but it's worth it for the sweet taste of victory. Gather the family for game night and let Half Day Hazy be your lucky charm.
  14. Mindful Journaling Retreat
    Write down your thoughts, dreams, and grocery lists in a dedicated journal. Spoiler alert: Heaps Normal pairs surprisingly well with grocery lists.
  15. Foodie Adventure
    Become a culinary maestro by experimenting with exotic recipes. Pro tip: Half Day Hazy makes a rad sous-chef.
  16. Nature Photography Safari
    Discover the wild side of your backyard – where squirrels and garden gnomes coexist peacefully. Don't forget to toast your wildlife discoveries with Half Day Hazy.
  17. Mind-Bending Puzzle Day
    Challenge your brain with puzzles that make you question the meaning of life. If the answer isn't 42, at least you've got Heaps Normal to ponder with.
  18. Staycation Bliss
    Turn your home into a tropical paradise. Don a Hawaiian shirt, sip on a Half Day Hazy with an umbrella, and pretend the office is a distant memory.
  19. Volunteer Extravaganza
    Help your community while wearing a cape – metaphorical or literal. Whether you're saving the environment or just picking up trash, your Heaps Normal is the superhero sidekick.
  20. Stargazing Soiree
    Wrap up your day with a celestial party. Count stars, make wishes, and celebrate the universe with Half Day Hazy – the official drink of intergalactic toasts.

Dear [Manager's Name],

I trust this email finds you basking in the glory of a coffee-fueled productive day. Now, brace yourself for a slightly unusual request – I am in desperate need of a mini-vacation, aka a half day off, on [date].

Before you start imagining me beachside with a cocktail in hand, let me assure you it's nothing quite as glamorous. I have some *top-secret* matters to attend to, and the fate of the universe might just hang in the balance (or maybe just my potted plant's survival). Rest assured, I will return with tales of epic adventures (or mundane errands, depending on your perspective).

I've already briefed my desk cactus on holding down the fort, and it promised not to spike anyone who comes looking for me. All my tasks are up to date, and I've prepped a detailed guide for my absence – "How to Survive Without [Your Name] for Dummies."

If you need me during my brief hiatus, I'll be the one juggling grocery bags and attempting to conquer my never-ending to-do list. I'll be accessible via carrier pigeon, smoke signals, and, of course, email.

Your understanding of this quest for a half day off is greatly appreciated. If you need a postcard, I'll see what I can do.

Thanks a million,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Contact Information]

This isn't so much a resource as really a quick step you can take to show your support. Although... it absolutely will be something you can youse once we get this thing through Parliament!



We're looking for Aussie businesses to join us and our mates in leading the charge for National Half Day Day on 1st March 2024? Here's how we can help...

We're giving participating businesses a few cases to ease into Half Day Day. Share them around with your employees as they embark on their extended free time and look like an even bigger hero.

To get some cases sent out to your workplace before 1st March 2024 a.k.a. Half Day Day 2024, please email us with the following information:

  • Contact Name
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Delivery Address
  • Preferred Date of Delivery

...and we'll get your beer sent right over!

[Your Company Letterhead]

[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]
[City, State, Postcode]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

[Local Representative's Name]
[City, State, Postcode]

Subject: Petition for Support - National Half Day Day

Dear [Local Representative's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to you on behalf of [Your Company Name], a [brief description of your business, its contributions to the community, and any relevant information].

We believe that fostering a healthy work-life balance is crucial for the well-being of our employees and the community at large. With this in mind, we would like to bring to your attention a proposal that we believe will have a positive impact on the lives of our constituents – the instatement of a National Half Day Day.

We support Heaps Normal in their proposal to designate one Friday every year as National Half Day Day, during which businesses across the nation would close early, allowing their employees to enjoy a slightly extended weekend. This initiative aims to promote employee well-being, reduce burnout, and strengthen the bonds within our communities.

Here are some key points supporting the implementation of National Half Day Day:

  1. Employee Well-being: A shorter workday once a year can significantly contribute to reducing stress and promoting mental health among employees. This initiative aligns with the growing recognition of the importance of work-life balance.
  2. Community Engagement: National Half Day Day encourages community members to spend quality time with their families, engage in local activities, and support neighborhood businesses during the extended weekend.
  3. Productivity and Morale: Research shows that employees who feel supported in achieving a work-life balance tend to be more productive and have higher morale. National Half Day Day can contribute to increased job satisfaction and loyalty among employees.
  4. Economic Impact: The extended weekend created by National Half Day Day could lead to increased spending on local businesses, restaurants, and recreational activities, providing an economic boost to our community.

We kindly request your support in championing this initiative at the legislative level. Your endorsement and advocacy for National Half Day Day would go a long way in promoting the well-being of our constituents and fostering a positive work environment.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Contact Information]

Transport yourself and your co-workers to your happy place with a carefully crafted coupla hours of relax-o-matic audio early mark. Have a Half Day... You've earned it!